Note: Canada Post is currently striking in Canada, delaying shipments for an unknown amount of time.

Downloading Acadian Family GEDCOM Files

As you can now see on our store, we’ve added nearly one hundred of our Acadian family trees to be download ready. So if you want to save paying for shipping and handling, you can now download a GEDCOM file that includes over two decades of research to create. That means you’ll have immediate access to the family tree details as soon as you purchase! It is a very exciting change for all of us here, and we hope you enjoy it.

We will be adding the rest of the families we have available over the coming weeks and thank everyone for their patience as we continue to revitalize this website in ways we hope Yvon would be proud to see.

If you’ve been concerned about purchasing one of our CDs and it potentially being broken in the mail or having to wait a month or two to receive it, this option should excite you.

Downloaded a Gedcom file or curious what they are? Check out the video below: