Basque, Andrew, Age 15, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Basque, Ann, Age 43, Shanty, Illiterate, Widow, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Basque, Ann, Age 50, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Caroline, Age 4, Shanty, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Jeff?, Age 27, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Joe, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, John, Age 21, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Larry, Age 50, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Mary, Age 18, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Mary, Age 22, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Michael, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Basque, Mike, Age 14, Shanty, Education-?, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Noel, Age ?, Shanty, Education-?, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Basque, Noel, Age 2, Shanty, Guysborough County Subdistrict Melford
Battiste, Andrew, Age 68, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Widower, Afton Reserve area
Battiste, Joe, Age 57, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Antigonish County Subdistrict G Division 2 St. Andrew’s
Battiste, John, Age 21, Shanty, Literate, No Occupation Listed, Single, Afton Reserve area
Battiste, Noel, Age 11, Education-?, Afton Reserve area
Bernard, Andrew, Age 21, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Ann Mary, Age 71, House, Literate, Single, Eskasoni
Bernard, Bella, Age 7, Wigwam, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Bridget, Age ?, Wigwam, North Sydney
Bernard, C. (M), Age 80, Shanty, Literate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Bernard, Charlotte, Age 4, House, Eskasoni
Bernard, Christy, Age 32, House, Literate, Single, Eskasoni
Bernard, Elizabeth, Age 4, Wigwam, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Francis, Age 70, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Francis, Age 6, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Gabriel, Age 70, House, Literate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Bernard, Harriet, Age 22, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Helen, Age 60, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Helen, Age 3, Wigwam, North Sydney
Bernard, Jerome, Age 23, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, John, Age 9, Wigwam, Education-?, North Sydney
Bernard, Louisa, Age 80, Shanty, Literate, Married, Wagmatcook
Bernard, Louisa, Age 25, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Mabel, Age 19, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 29, House, Literate, Single, Eskasoni
Bernard, Mary, Age 28, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Widow, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 30, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 24, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary, Age 19, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, Single, North Sydney
Bernard, Mary A., Age 9, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Michael, Age 9, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Noel, Age 27, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Noel, Age 23, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Bernard, Noel, Age 5, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Peter, Age 12, Shanty, Illiterate, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Bernard, Stephen, Age 26, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Stephen, Age 5, Wigwam, Education-?, Basketmaker, North Sydney
Bernard, Susan, Age 8, House, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Bernard, William, Age 39, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Note: The French translation of ‘Christmas’ is ‘Noël’
Christmas, Benjamin, Age 7, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Cecily, Age 27, House, Illiterate, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Elizabeth, Age 2, Shanty, Eskasoni
Christmas, Flora, Age 5, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Hubert, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Jane, Age 20, House, Education-?, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Joanna, Age 3, House, Eskasoni
Christmas, John, Age 30, House, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Joseph, Age 27, House, Can Read, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Joseph, Age 14, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Judith, Age 64, House, Can Read, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Mary, Age 17, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Mary Ann, Age 3, House, Eskasoni
Christmas, Mary Ann, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Michael, Age 38, Shanty, Can Read, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Nuel, Age 2, Shanty, Eskasoni
Christmas, Pall, Age 24, Shanty, Literate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Christmas, Pall, Age 67, House, Literate, “Frmwwrgt”, Married, Eskasoni, originally from New Brunswick
Christmas, Pall, Age 10, Shanty, Education-?, Eskasoni
Christmas, Peter, Age ?, Shanty, Eskasoni
Christmas, Stephen, Age ?, House, Eskasoni
Christmas, Susan, Age 1, House, Eskasoni
Christmas, Suttie, Age 34, Shanty, Can Read, Single, Eskasoni, originally from Prince Edward Island Christmas, Theresa, Age 27, Shanty, Literate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Note: The French translation of ‘Christmas’ is ‘Noël’
Dennis, Ann, Age 24, Shanty, Illiterate, Single, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Dennis, Belonic, Age 53, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Widower, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Dennis, Mary, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Single, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Dennis, Mike, Age 22, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Gabriel, Bridget, Age 28, House, Can Read, Married, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Caroline, Age 2, Shanty, Pictou County West River and Green Hill
Gabriel, Grizzi (F), Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Pictou County West River and Green Hill
Gabriel, Isabella, Age 30, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Sydney Division 2
Gabriel, John, Age 10, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County West River and Green Hill
Gabriel, Lewis, Age 40, House, Literate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Mary Joe, Age ?, House, Education-?, Eskasoni
Gabriel, Nicholas, Age 36, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Sydney Division 2
Gabriel, Richard, Age 5, Shanty, Pictou County West River and Green Hill
Gabriel, Sally, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County West River and Green Hill
Gabriel, William, Age 38, Shanty, Can Read, Cooper, Married, Pictou County West River and Green Hill
Martin, Isabel, Age 11, House, Education-?, Eskasoni
Martin, Mary, Age 39, House, Illiterate, Quillwork, Widow, Eskasoni
Martin, Nancy, Age 13, House, Education-?, Eskasoni
Michael, Andrew, Age 28, House, Can Read, Cooper, Single, Eskasoni
Michael, Ann, Age 67, House, Can Read, Married, Eskasoni
Michael, Ann, Age 23, House, Can Read, Single, Eskasoni
Michael, James, Age 25, House, Can Read, Cooper, Single, Eskasoni
Michael, Joe, Age 1, Shanty, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Michael, John, Age 85, House, Can Read, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Michael, Peter, Age 2, House, Eskasoni
Muse, Andrew, Age 20, Shanty, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Single, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain
Muse, Francis, Age 13, Shanty, Education-?, Potlotek
Muse, Francis, Age 23, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain, originally from Cape Breton
Muse, Joseph, Age 61, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Widower, Potlotek
Muse, Mary, Age 2, Shanty, Potlotek
Muse, Mary, Age 25, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain, originally from Cape Breton
Nicholas, Ann, Age 29, Shanty, Literate, Married, Potlotek
Nicholas, Ann, Age 28, House, Illiterate, Single, Eskasoni
Nicholas, Anthony, Age 17, Shanty, Education-?, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Caroline, Age 11, Shanty, Education-?, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Esther, Age 44, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Isabell, Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, John, Age -?, House, Eskasoni
Nicholas, John, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, New Glasgow Division 3 Part 1
Nicholas, John, Age 30, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain
Nicholas, John, Age 89, House, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni, originally from New Brunswick
Nicholas, Jo Noel, Age 36, House, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Eskasoni
Nicholas, Joseph, Age 45, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Mary Ann, Age ?, Shanty, Potlotek
Nicholas, Mary Ann, Age 14, Shanty, Education-?, Big Pond Cape Breton
Nicholas, Paul, Age 28, Shanty, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Single, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain
Nicholas, Peter, Age 31, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Nicholas, Santana?, Age 78, House, Illiterate, Married, Eskasoni
Nicholas, Steven, Age 2, House, Eskasoni
Nicholas, Thomas, Age 14, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County Mac Lennan’s Mountain
Nicholas, Tom, Age 15, Shanty, Education-?, New Glasgow Division 3 Part 1
Noel, Ann, Age 30, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Pictou County Division 3
Noel, Annasl (F), Age 2, Shanty, Pictou County Divsion 3
Noel, Catherine, Age 21, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Dennis, Age 44, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Edward, Age 10, Wigwam, Education-?, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Ester, Age 26, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Gabriel, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, No Occupation Listed, Single, Potlotek
Noel, Hugh, Age 20, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Jacob, Age 18, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Whycocomagh
Noel, James, Age 26, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Pictou County
Noel, James, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County
Noel, James, Age 5, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Jessie, Age 3, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Joe, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Noel, John, Age 73, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Julie, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Noel, Lara, Age 22, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Lewis, Age 70, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Married, Potlotek
Noel, Lewis, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Madalin, Age 20, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Madlin, Age ?, Shanty, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Noel, Madlin, Age 24, Shanty, Illiterate, Single, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age 35, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Mary, Age 9, Wigwam, Education-?, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Mary, Age 7, Shanty, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age 55, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Mary, Age ?, Wigwam, Education-?, North Sydney
Noel, Mary, Age 42, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, North Mountain Cape Breton (Malakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Mary, Age 76, Shanty, Illiterate, Widow, Mabou Division 3
Noel, Mary Ann, Age 50, Shanty, Literate, Married, Potlotek
Noel, Mary Ann, Age 28, Wigwam, Literate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Noel, Mary Ann, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County Division 3
Noel, Merrin (M), Age 15, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Michael, Age 27, Shanty, Can Read, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Michael, Age 36, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Michael, Age 36, Shanty, Illiterate, No Occupation Listed, Married, Pictou County Division 3
Noel, Mitchel, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Noel, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Potlotek
Noel, Noel, Age 33, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Noel, Age 6, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Noel, Age 11, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Noel, Age 3, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, No Name (M), Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Peter, Age 1, Shanty, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Peter, Age 4, Wigwam, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Peter, Age 66, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, Peter, Age 3, Wigwam, North Sydney
Noel, Peter, Age 7, Shanty, Education-?, Pictou County Division 3
Noel, Rose, Age 50, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Rose, Age 76, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Sarah, Age 5, Shanty, Potlotek
Noel, Sophie, Age 21, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Steven, Age 24, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Single, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Steven, Age ?, Shanty, Education-?, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, Steven, Age 4, Shanty, Pictou County Division 3
Noel, Susan, Age 5, House, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Noel, Susan, Age 5, Shanty, Whycocomagh
Noel, Thomas, Age 48, Wigwam, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Thomas, Age 5, Wigwam, Division 4 River Inhabitants Cape Breton
Noel, Victor, Age 13, Shanty, Education-?, Whycocomagh
Noel, William, Age 76, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper, Married, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Noel, William, Age 41, Shanty, Illiterate, Farmer/Cooper, Married, Whycocomagh
Noel, William, Age 27, Wigwam, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Married, North Sydney
Pictou, Ann, Age 8, Shanty, Education-?, Afton Reserve area
Pictou, James, Age 16, Shanty, Education-?, Afton Reserve area
Pictou, Mary, Age 50, Shanty, Literate, Widow, Afton Reserve area
Pictou, Mary, Age 21, Shanty, Literate, Married, Afton Reserve area
Pictou, Noel, Age 28, Shanty, Literate, Cooper, Single, Afton Reserve area
Pictou, Sarah, Age 24, Shanty, Literate, Single, Afton Reserve area
Poulette, Alice, Age 11, Shanty, Education-?, Mabou Division 1
Poulette, Catherine, Age 97, Shanty, Illiterate, Marital Status Not Given, Plaister Cove (Ma’lakawe:j Reserve or nearby)
Poulette, Catherine, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Wagmatcook(Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Poulette, Christopher, Age 19, Shanty, Education-?, Cooper, Single, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Poulette, C. Mary, Age 76, Shanty, Can Read, Marital Status Not Given, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Poulette, Edward, Age 33, Shanty, Illiterate, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Mabou Division 1
Poulette, Isabel, Age 30, Shanty, Illiterate, Married, Mabou Division 1, originally from Newfoundland
Poulette, J. Francis, Age 12, Shanty, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Poulette, Lisa, Age 5, Shanty, Mabou Division 1
Poulette, Mary Ann, Age 53, Shanty, Illiterate, Basketmaker, Widow, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Ann, Age 5, Shanty, Potlotek
Richard, Betsy, Age 19, House, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Catherine, Age 29, Shanty, Literate, Married, Potlotek
Richard, John, Age 48, House, Can Read, Cooper/Fisherman, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Julie, Age 12, House, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Madlin, Age 15, House, Education-?, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Mary Ann, Age 27, House, Can Read, Married, Wagmatcook (Middle River, a Cape Breton Reserve)
Richard, Peter, Age 30, Shanty, Literate, Carpenter/Fisherman, Married, Potlotek
Richard, Sarah, Age 9, Shanty, Education-?, Potlotek
Sappier, Paul, Age 60, Shanty, Illiterate, Labourer, Single, Pictou County Division 3
I am very grateful to Diane Chisholm and the Mi’kmak Resource Centre for having provided me authorization to post the above-noted information.