Welcome to Acadian.org
Acadian.org is the number one source for Acadian-Cajun Family Genealogy information. We provide extensive family trees for thousands of Acadian family names.
Why Shop at Acadian.org?
100’s of Family Names
From Achee to Violette and everything in between, Acadian.org has genealogy information on hundreds of Acadian familes.
Acadians Helping Acadians
We understand Acadian genealogy because we are Acadians. While Yvon Cyr, the creator of this site, may have passed away, his children and grandchildren continue his legacy.
High Quality Information
Extensive Acadian & French Canadian research done over 25+ years using primary sources such as church records, marriage records, birth certificates. The database holds over 1.5 million GEDCOM files for approx. 2500 families.
Recent Products
Family named magnets$ 4.00 USD
Cajun Magnet$ 4.00 USD
Acadian Magnet$ 4.00 USD
Quebec Flag$ 15.00 – $ 25.00 USD
“A few years ago, we took a trip to visit Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. While there we purchased your Acadian-Cajun Family Trees CD. By using the information contained on this CD, I was able to increase mine and my wife’s ancestry listing from 400+ to over 1700 names which comprise 800+ families. I highly recommend this CD to anyone who is Cajun of Acadian descent and who is serious about tracing his or her roots.”
DWL – Louisiana
This post is for Denis specifically!!! I don’t have a lot of time to read through my cds that I purchased so it takes me a while to get to see them. Well, I just looked through my last cd that I got from you and honestly, Denis, I cannot put into words how much I appreciate all the work you do for us working on our family histories! Your work is nothing less than amazing. I told my friends that going through one of your cds is like walking through several libraries with shelves filled with books just sitting there waiting for us. You’ve done so much of the hardest work for us. A MILLION TIMES THANK YOU, MON AMI.
JasCarolina Bradfordon Doe
“Let me tell you that your Home Page on Acadian is wonderful, well made. Congratulations. The whole project that you have dreamed of and brought to an end is extraordinary. In French we say “Je lève mon chapeau” for this marvelous success.”
Hubert Potvin
“Got it last week, and spent the weekend looking at it. (Neglecting my family, I might add) There is an amazing amount of information stacked on it! The shareware collection alone is fantastic. So far, I’ve only scratched the surface of it, but it looks like a very well thought-out piece of work. The work that you put into it is certainly appreciated.”
JasoDon Lundryn Doe