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“Saints Who Left Descendants” Book, by Brian Starr

This Book is intended to help the genealogist find all the Saints that are in his or her ancestry by showing the relationship to the Nobility and Royalty of Europe. If your ancestry includes the nobility and Royalty of Europe this CD is for you.

The included Gedcom (see below) will allow you to find the relationship to the Saint once you link to one of the nobels. The book includes about 200 Saints, and has about 375 pages. The book attempts to explain ancient lineage of the Saints, with charts showing some lines to linked Saints. The book may be printed.

Included Saints are from the Holy Roman Catholic Church as well as Saints recognized in the Oxford Encyclopedia of Saints. Some Saints are not yet canonized but stillrecognized as a Saint by some source.

Some of the Saints in the Book include Saint Paul of Tarsis, Saint Dominic, Saint Thomas Beckett, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Edward the Confessor, and many more obscureSaints such as Saint Fedelm or Saint Comgan.

Also included is the lines from four Israelites, Levi, Judah, Zebulon, and Joseph and their lines leading to the Saints, Nobility, and Royalty Forty five pages of Charts relating the ancient lines as found on the internet to the Saints in the book.

Details on available GEDCOM file

This book was written with the aid of a genealogy program. The file this program generates is called a Gedcom. I am making the research Gedcom available to the public. The relationship is shown for each generation mother or father to son or daughter. All the Saints in this book are in the Gedcom, and their relationship to each other is shown. In other words the line is complete for each Saint in the Gedcom. Better genealogy programs can show how many generations are between members of the file, and the relationship to two members, either cousin, second cousin or twenty fifth cousin!!! Also from the internet it is possible to obtain free genealogy programs to view the file. For a copy of the Gedcom that contains the full lineage’s listed please write to Brian Starr, 117 Redbud Drive, Hendersonville TN 37075. My email address is

Please include $7.95 for the CD with the Research Gedcom. Also found on the CD is a computer generated copy of this book in portable document format (pdf), a pdf reader, and a copy of a review of this book.. Please also include $2.95 shipping in the USA and $5.95 shipping in the remainder of the world.

The Gedcom shows complete lineage of the Saints found in this book to royal or nobel people who lived about the year 1400 or before. If a trace can be made of your ancestry to almost any royal noble of any European country, the lineage is almost certainly to link to a part of this tree, and the lineage to the Saint can be found.

Get Autographed Copy

Briancan send you an Autographed Copy of the book Saints Who Left Descendents. He will need to charge the original price for the book, that is $20.99 plus shipping and handling of approximately $5.99, anywhere in the United States. Total would be $26.98 for an autographed copy.

Brian can autograph with any text you would like. Indicate if you want autograph on inside front cover, or title page. Please email instructions, text you would like Brian to sign and shipping address.

Send your covering check to:

Brian Starr, 117 Redbud Drive, Hendersonville TN 37075

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Author Disclaimer:


The majority of the information is taken from over 100 plus gedcoms downloaded from the Internet. These gedcoms were then combined into one large file. This file was then looked at closely and an attempt was made to merge all duplicate individuals. This was an attempt and is not complete by any means. The King of England may be listed under K for King, or E for England, or P for Plantagenet, or under the letter of the name of the King if it were Henry or Edward or Edmund etc…

The information found to provide lineage for a saint has not been properly identified with sources. Some sources may be listed, however to prove a line the author has not done years worth of research, listing each source, and adding it to the Gedcom. Certainly sources can be found for most of the information, however due to the information already almost 800 years old some theories about the information may be in order. The cost of the Gedcom would be much greater if all the sources were listed, and publication of the information would necessarily be delayed a few years.

The listings of the deities etc… are difficult if not impossible to prove. I leave it to the user of the gedcom and the reader of the book to decide if the information is concrete enough for their acceptance. If it is not, please look elsewhere for sources.


For further reading here is a list of all the texts that information on most of the Saints found in the book Descended from Saints and Their Ancestry, may be found. Please note that not any one of the following books will have all the Saints found in the Book.
1) Oxford Dictionary of Saints
2) Lives of the Saints –Author Butler
3) Engleberts Lives of the Saints –Author Omer Englebert
4) Pocket Dictionary of Saints
5) Dictionary of Saints –Author Delaney
6) Catholic Online Saints and Angels (web site dedicated to the Saints)
7) Saints Preserve Us
8) Penguin Dictionary of Saints
9) Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints