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Baudrau dit Graveline

This portion of my web site and accompanying links, is dedicated to my very special friend, Peggy Hall, who died on April 13, 2002 and is reproduced with the permission of her daughter Tiffany Graham. Peggy was the first to “believe” in my proposed (early 1990’s) project to produced the historical “In Search of Our Acadian Roots” CD-ROM. For added details, connect to

Urbain Baudrau dit GRAVELINE b. Clermont, (s/o Jean GRAVELINE m. Marie CHAUVEAU) m. 20 Oct 1664, Montreal, Canada to Mathurine Marguerite JUILLET (d/o Blaise JUILLET m. Marie Antoinette LIERCOUR). Their son, Jean Baptiste BAUDRAU dit GRAVELINE m. (1) Marie, and Indian at Mobile.

Jean Baptiste BAUDRAU dit GRAVELINE was a recruit of d’Iberville for the 1699 Gulf Coast Expedition.

Check out Baudrau dit Graveline family crest products